The Blue Witch

The Blue Witch - Cat Burton - Web.jpg

How It Was Made

This image is made from one single photograph taken at an ungodly hour half-way up Schiehallion (a mountain in Scotland).

I hiked up the mountain with my camera gear and a bag full of costumes, earlier than most people would be visiting. As someone who is very shy and self conscious, I didn’t want anyone to see me messing around dressed up as a witch on a hill!

Standing on the stones barefoot was not pleasant, but I felt it would add to the raw feeling of the image.

I placed my camera on a tripod and used my remote shutter (in my right hand, out of sight) to trigger the shot.

The Blue Witch (Cailleach Bheur) appears across celtic mythology and has ties to Schiehallion and the surrounding area.

Cat Burton

Cat Burton is a game developer, photographer and artist. She provides freelance consultancy services to the creative industries.

Arcane Storm


The Heart of Scotland