11/03/2025 Creative & Cultural Careers Fair at Edinburgh University (Edinburgh, Speaker)
24/03/2025 Startup Founders Meetup (Edinburgh, Host)
06/05/2025 Tech Meetup (Edinburgh, Host)

(This is not yet the full list; I’m adding to it as I remember them)
04/03/2025 Edinburgh Tech Meetup (Edinburgh, Speaker)
20/08/2024 DevCom Panel with AWS (Cologne, Speaker)
21/05/2024 Startup Founders Meetup (Edinburgh, Speaker)
13/05/2024 Glasgow Tech Week - More Than Games (Glasgow, Speaker)
12/04/2024 Edinburgh Science Festival - Let’s Play! (Edinburgh, Speaker)
01/06/2023 Gradient Founders Summit - Lightning Talk (California, Speaker)
01/02/2022 Perth Women's Collective (Perthshire, Speaker)
07/10/2021 Crieff Camera Club (Perthshire, Speaker)
15/09/2020 GrowBiz Women's Enterprise Network (Perthshire, Speaker)
07/11/2019 Kinross Makers Space (Perthshire, Workshop)
October 2019 Cultural Enterprise Office - Design Your Practice (Perthshire, Workshop)
15/08/2019 Maker Space Crieff (Perthshire, Workshop)
24/01/2019 Founders4Schools (Perthshire, Speaker)
14/01/2019 Alyth Photo Club (Perthshire, Speaker)
28/11/2018 Business Gateway Tayside Conference (Perthshire, Speaker)
30/06/2018 Maker Space Perth (Perthshire, Workshop)
19/06/2018 Perth Grammar School with Elevator UK (Perthshire, Speaker)
12/11/2017 Royal Photographic Society - Digital Imaging Group (Perthshire, Speaker)
21/10/2015 Idibon (San Francisco, Speaker)
25/06/2015 Unite Conference (Amsterdam , Speaker)
18/12/2013 GameIS Conference (Speaker)
16/11/2013 Jordan Gaming Summit (Jordan, Speaker)
Sept-Oct 2013 Birmingham City University, Gamer Camp (Birmingham, Workshop)
29/09/2013 BAFTA Career Surgeries at Eurogamer Expo (Speaker)
19/09/2013 Virgin Media Game Space (London, Workshop)
26/06/2013 Wales Game Dev Show (Cardiff, Workshop)
2012-2013 London Unity User Group aka LUUG (London, Speaker & Organiser)
Sept 2010 Flash On The Beach Conference (Brighton, Speaker)
29/07/2010 London Flash Platform User Group (London, Speaker)