Stories of Schiehallion
A special project in partnership with the John Muir Trust (2019).
When we look at the mountain tops that dominate Scotland, we cannot help but be in awe. Peaks such as Schiehallion provide a focus, a way-marker and an anchor in the landscape. Many people climb this much-loved mountain to take in the views from the summit. My goal for this project is to reveal the fascinating stories below Schiehallion’s peak that often go overlooked. From its history and folklore to the conservation work currently taking place. While the view from the top is indeed breathtaking, I hope to inspire people to admire the entirety of the landscape – from the rocky slopes to the life of the glen, with its woodland, waterfalls and ruined shielings.
Schiehallion is a mountain of magic and folklore. A place that inspires and beckons us. Our Perthshire pyramid. Our triangle in the landscape. This isn’t just a Munro to be bagged.This is a place of fascinating stories and wondrous tales.
There is more to a mountain than the view from its summit.
A Dance with Nature
Fairy Hill of the Caledonians
Land of the Dreamer
Maybe Tomorrow
Queen Mab
The Attraction of Mountains
The Blue Witch
The Heart of Scotland
The Shepherdess